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Pet Sitters Ipswich, England (Contact for Free)

Including home visitors (who check on your pets), pet daycare, and pet boarding. See our Pay Rates.

Angel Akor

Angel Akor
Ipswich, England

Activity summary

Member since: Dec 2024

Dog sitting £10 / hour

Pets I'm comfortable caring for:

  • Dogs

Other dog services I can provide:

  • Pet checker (home visits to check on dogs)
  • Dog daycare (at my place during the day)
  • Dog boarding (at my place overnight)

Other services I can provide

My availability

I'm looking for Casual/temporary, Part-time, Full-time employment.

I can travel to neighboring suburbs/towns of Ipswich for work.

Here's my weekly availability:



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I'm available for:

  • Last minute bookings
  • School holidays
  • Public holidays
  • New Year's Eve
  • Valentine's Day
  • Overnight jobs
  • Full weekends
  • Live-in with the family

My credentials

I'm happy to provide written documentation of my qualifications and credentials:

  • Pet credentials:
    • I'm comfortable with pets
    • I have pets
  • General credentials:
    • 18 years old
    • Non-smoker/non-vaper
    • Permanent resident
    • Languages I can speak: English
    • Email verified

I am a dedicated person with good experience working with children, including those with impairments. I have spent months actively engaging with children, both in professional settings and through lived experiences, fostering a deep understanding of their needs and development. I hold an NVQ qualification, which has equipped me with essential knowledge and skills to provide high-quality care and support. My experience extends to working with children with diverse abilities, where I’ve developed a compassionate and patient approach, ensuring their well-being and growth.

My skills and interests:

  • Music
  • Singing
  • Dance
  • Reading/storytelling
  • Drawing/painting
  • Arts/crafts
  • Sports
  • Fitness
  • Cooking
  • Design
  • Computers
  • Writing

You can learn more about me by browsing my social accounts:

Contact Angel For Free

Your job requirements will be sent with your message.

Select the services you need:


How many kids need care?

Pet sitting

Other pet services you need:

Dog walking

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Naomi Robson

Naomi Robson
Ipswich, England

Activity summary

Member since: Nov 2024


-17 -No criminal record and am happy to get a DBS check to show you if you would like -Can provide ID -Can provide references and proof of qualifications -Affordable and flexible with availability and rate -Happy to do video calls before starting

I am a friendly, responsible, and kind. I am good at staying calm even when I’m stressed. My hobbies are mostly fitness (especially martial arts and kickboxing), horse riding, art, and motorbiking.

Experience and Qualifications

I have various experiences and formal training that make me suitable for looking after children

Looking after my younger brother

Growing up as the eldest sibling, I’ve always been caring for and looking after my younger brother, who is 3/4 years younger. Ive helped and still help with homework, cooking, cleaning, looking after and looking out for him in general.

Babysitting and Tutoring

I’ve looked after my friends younger siblings too, playing with them and keeping them safe. I also worked as a tutor/homework helper for a younger girl, helping with multiple subjects and teaching touch typing.


My first job involved assisting an elderly lady with daily tasks like cooking and cleaning, developing my patience and caring skills.

Housekeeping and Cleaning

i’ve completed professional housekeeping training, learning how to maintain spaces to a high standard—useful for keeping a safe and clean environment for children.

Leadership and Childcare Training:

I attended a two-week residential training program focused on training for looking after young children. I gained training in child safety, first aid, safeguarding, how to interact positively and conflict resolution.

STEM Holiday Program Tutor

I was selected to teach STEM to primary school children during the holidays at a private school. Though the program didn’t run due to low enrolment, I received all the training for working with children and received certifications in emergency first aid, safeguarding, COSHH awareness, food safety and engaging interactions with children.

Im very flexible with availability and pay. If you need a long full day of childcare, I’m happy to work for as low as £6.40 p/h if moneys an issue and for other hours Im very reasonable, just depends on what you would like me do/help out with and the amount of responsibility for the day.

Let me know if you’re interested or would like to know anything else about me! Thanks for reading - N

Pet sitting £6.40 / hour

Pets I'm comfortable caring for:

  • Dogs
  • Cats
  • Birds
  • Fish
  • Reptiles
  • Small animals (rabbits, ferrets, etc.)

Other pet services I can provide:

  • Pet checker (home visits to check on pets)
  • Pet training
  • Pet grooming
  • Administering medications
  • Feeding
  • Pet playtime
  • Daily exercise for your pet
  • 24/7 supervision
  • Care for puppies
  • Care for senior dogs
  • Care for kittens
  • Care for senior cats

Other services I can provide

My availability

I'm looking for Casual/temporary, Part-time, Full-time employment.

I can travel a few suburbs/towns away from Ipswich for work.

Here's my weekly availability:







I'm available for:

  • Last minute bookings
  • School holidays
  • Public holidays
  • New Year's Eve
  • Valentine's Day
  • Overnight jobs
  • Full weekends
  • Vacations with the family
  • Live-in with the family

My credentials

I'm happy to provide written documentation of my qualifications and credentials:

  • 1 year experience working with children
    • CPR training
    • First aid training
    • First aid training for babies
    • I carry a first aid kit
    • Asthma training
    • Anaphylaxis training
    • Water safety training
  • 3 years experience working with pets
  • General credentials:
    • 18 years old
    • Languages I can speak: English
    • Email verified

Contact Naomi For Free

Your job requirements will be sent with your message.

Select the services you need:


How many kids need care?

Pet sitting

Other pet services you need:

Dog walking

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Select the Services You Need

Do you need pet sitting services?

Other pet services you need:

Do you need dog walking services?

Do you need childcare services?

How many kids need care?

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Pet Sitting Pay Rates Ipswich, England, United Kingdom (Dec 2024)

Ipswich pet sitters are paid an average of £8.20 per hour as of December 2024, which is 19.5% lower than the English average of £10.19, and 20.2% lower than the United Kingdom average of £10.28. A fair pay rate depends on pet sitter credentials, specific job requirements, and local demand for pet sitting services.
Min Avg Max
£6.40 £8.20 £10.00
£4.00 £10.19 £25.00
United Kingdom:
£4.00 £10.28 £25.00

Rates are calculated weekly from our live member data.
Prices shown in Pound sterling (GBP)