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Pet Sitters Newark, DE (Contact for Free)

Including home visitors (who check on your pets), pet daycare, and pet boarding. See our Pay Rates.

Olivia Foley

Olivia Foley
Newark, DE

Activity summary

Member since: Oct 2024

A little bit about me…

Hi, I'm Olivia Foley! I'm an enthusiastic sitter with a passion for working with children. I am currently a student at the University of Delaware but I have hands-on experience as a Teacher's Aid at Suburban Hill School in New Jersey, since June 2021. I handle activities like playtime, meal serving, nap supervision, and teaching basic lessons and manners to children from infants to pre-kindergarten. I've also done informal babysitting, which has sharpened my patience and problem-solving skills. I enjoy creating a positive, engaging environment for kids and look forward to bringing my skills and enthusiasm to your family!

Pet sitting

Pets I'm comfortable caring for:

  • Dogs
  • Cats
  • Birds
  • Fish
  • Reptiles
  • Small animals (rabbits, ferrets, etc.)

Other pet services I can provide:

  • Pet checker (home visits to check on pets)

Other services I can provide

  • Babysitter (click for details)
  • Cleaning
  • Tutoring

My availability

I'm looking for Casual/temporary employment.

I can travel to neighboring suburbs/towns of Newark for work.

Here's my weekly availability:



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My credentials

I'm happy to provide written documentation of my qualifications and credentials:

  • 5 years experience working with children
  • General credentials:
    • 19 years old
    • Drivers license
    • I have a car
    • Non-smoker/non-vaper
    • Languages I can speak: English
    • Email verified

Suburban Hills School 2021-2024 Teacher's Aid: Fulfills responsibilities such as indoor & outdoor playtime, serving meals, supervising nap time, attending to hygiene needs, and sanitizing classrooms. Teaches basic educational lessons, morals, and manners. Children range from infants to pre-kindergarten ages.

My skills and interests:

  • Music
  • Dance
  • Comedy
  • Reading/storytelling
  • Drawing/painting
  • Arts/crafts
  • Sports
  • Fitness
  • Swimming
  • Nature
  • Cooking
  • Video
  • Design
  • Writing

Contact Olivia For Free

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Select the services you need:


How many kids need care?

Pet sitting

Other pet services you need:

Dog walking

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Select the Services You Need

Do you need pet sitting services?

Other pet services you need:

Do you need dog walking services?

Do you need childcare services?

How many kids need care?

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Pet Sitting Pay Rates DE, United States (Dec 2024)

Delaware pet sitters are paid an average of $15.00 per hour as of December 2024, which is 3.4% lower than the United States average of $15.52. A fair pay rate depends on pet sitter credentials, specific job requirements, and local demand for pet sitting services.
Min Avg Max
$15.00 $15.00 $15.00
United States:
$3.00 $15.52 $50.00

Rates are calculated weekly from our live member data.
Prices shown in United States dollars (USD)