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Babysitting Business Secrets (eBook & Paperback) Get Your Copy Today!

Babysitting Business Secrets (eBook & Paperback)
 Matthew James Taylor

Written & Illustrated by
Matthew James Taylor

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Babysitting Business Secrets by Matthew Taylor

If you’re serious about babysitting then you’re going to love my new book, Babysitting Business Secrets.

(Already have a copy? write a review on Amazon here.)

I’ve compiled all my babysitting tricks and tips into a single handy book that you won’t want to miss. You’ll get access to insider secrets that will give you the edge over other babysitters:

  • How to become a babysitter from scratch
  • How to promote your service for free
  • Resume and interview tips to win jobs
  • How to calculate your pay rate
  • Fun kids activities that you'll enjoy too
  • Important safety information
  • Plus so much more

The book is 626 pages with over 100 full-colour illustrations that make the book fun and entertaining to read. Keep a copy in your babysitting bag as a handy reference while you’re on the job.

This book is perfect for absolute beginners or more experienced sitters who want to take their service to the next level.

It’s available as an inexpensive ebook or full-color paperback.

The extra money you’ll earn from babysitting will pay for the book in no time. It's well worth the investment!

Here’s a copy of the table of contents so you can see exactly what I cover in the book:

  • Introduction
  • Is Babysitting Right For You?
    • How Old Do Babysitters Need To Be?
    • Traits of A Good Babysitter
    • Can Men Babysit?
    • How Much Can A Babysitter Earn?
    • Skills Babysitters Can Learn
    • Preparing for a Career in Childcare
  • How To Get Started
    • Skills and Training
    • Documentation
    • Babysitting Documents
    • Equipment
    • Summary of What You Need to Begin
  • How Much To Charge
    • Factors That Can Increase Your Pay
    • Calculate Your Babysitting Rate
    • Babysitting For Free
  • How To Promote Your Services
    • Word of Mouth
    • Referrals
    • Flyers
    • Babysitting Websites
    • Business Cards
    • Post Ads Online
    • Connect Through Local Facebook Groups
    • Make Your Own Website Or Blog
    • Use Newspaper Ads
  • Interviews
    • Phone Interviews
    • Video Interviews
    • In-Person Interviews
    • What To Bring To An In-Person Interview
    • What To Wear To A Babysitting Interview
    • Meeting A Family For The First Time
    • Questions Parents Might Ask You During An Interview
    • What To Ask Parents During An Interview
    • Things To Avoid
  • Your First Babysitting Job
    • Start Small
    • What To Wear
    • What To Bring With You
    • What To Do – Babysitting Rules For First-Time Sitters
    • Babysitting When The Parents Are Home
  • Babysitting Duties & Responsibilities
    • Child Safety
    • Entertainment
    • Emotional Support
    • Learning And Development
    • Meal Prep
    • Bath Time
    • Bedtime
    • Overnight Babysitting
    • Changing Diapers
    • Bottle Feeding
    • Transporting Children
    • Housekeeping
    • Pet Sitting
  • School Kids (5+ Years Old)
    • Homework
    • Activities For School Kids
  • Preschoolers (3–4 Years Old)
    • Preschooler Safety
    • Activities For Preschoolers
    • Difficulties With Preschoolers
  • Toddlers (1–2 Years Old)
    • Toddler Safety
    • Being Prepared
    • Toddler Activities
  • Babies (0–12 Months Old)
    • Quick Tips For Settling A Fussy Baby
    • Baby Safety
    • Activities For Babies
    • What To Do When Baby Sleeps
  • Tricky Situations
    • Babysitting Multiple Kids
    • Separation Anxiety
    • Poo Explosions!
    • Tantrums And Bad Behavior
    • Minor Injuries
    • Parents Return Home Late
    • Child Is Sick
    • When You Are Sick
  • Emergencies
    • Stay Calm
    • Call For Help
    • Let The Parents Know
    • Preparing Ahead Of Time: What Would You Do?
  • Outings
    • The Yard
    • The Park
    • Mall / Shops
    • Pools
    • Beaches & Lakes
    • Library
    • Movies
  • Taxes
    • Keep Detailed Records Of All Income
    • Keep Receipts For All Work-Related Expenses
    • Examples Of Work-Related Expenses
  • Babysitting During A Pandemic

This book has so much useful information, don't miss out!

Buy your copy today! (ebook or full-color paperback.)

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