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Pet Jobs Buddina, QLD

Including pet daycare, pet boarding, and dog walking jobs. See our Pay Rates.

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Pet Job Pay Rates Buddina, QLD, Australia (May 2024)

Buddina pet jobs pay an average of $25.00 per hour as of May 2024, which is 20.8% lower than the Queensland average of $31.58, and 17.6% lower than the Australian average of $30.35. A fair pay rate depends on pet worker credentials, specific job requirements, and local demand for pet services.
Min Avg Max
$25.00 $25.00 $25.00
$20.00 $31.58 $45.00
$15.00 $30.35 $45.00

Rates are calculated daily from our live member data.
Prices shown in Australian dollars (AUD)